Chocolate Accents for Cupcakes and Cakes

  1. Chocolate – chips, chunks, chopped up bars, whatever you like really
  2. Saucepan
  3. Glass bowl to fit over the saucepan
  4. A second glass bowl
  5. Piping bag or Sandwich bag
  6. Scissors
  7. Cutting board covered in foil
  1. Fill a piping bag or sandwich bag with your melted chocolate.
  2. Cut the tip. Cut a small amount off first and test the size, you can always cut further up if the hole isn’t big enough.
  3. Now for the fun part, get creative and pipe whatever designs you want onto a foil covered cutting board.
  4. Once you’re finished, put the cutting board in the fridge to allow the chocolate accents to harden, about an hour or so.
  5. Gently lift the chocolate accents off of the cutting board and voila, you’re finished.